If you enjoy studying about the economy, and have more of a "world view" of things, perhaps you could make a great international economist. An international economist looks at the world of economics from a global perspective and has the opportunity to study trends all of the economy all over the world, rather than just in their own country or locale. There is a need for this type of specialist because of the way big corporations deal with other countries and nations by selling goods and services to them and making deals.
You must have at least a four-year degree to become an international economist. Someone considering this career when they are still in high school could consider studying economics in high school and get a strong background in the field, so that they could do better in college.
Bachelor's Degree
Typical Education
The typical education for becoming an international economist is a four-year (Bachelor’s) degree in economics and math, as well as some elective coursework in liberal arts or applied sciences. It is possible to obtain employment in several different arenas with this degree, so it is good to get a wide background in a few other areas as well.
An Alternate Route
The four-year degree is the only way to become an actual international economist. However, you might be able to work in this field in some capacity with a lesser degree or certification. If your aspirations are to be an expert in the field, however, and wear the title of ‘international economist,’ the four-year degree is required.
Steps to Becoming an International Economist
If you have an interest in the study of how international systems work, the way they interrelate, or the factors that affect them, this career may be right for you. You need to be strong in math and economics, and a background in political science is always beneficial in this field too because of the way world politics affects the economy.
To become an international economist, you could follow these steps to get started:
1) Work on math and economics skills and get good at both. This could start as early as your high school years, to prepare for this field. Since the field of international economics is so complex in the way it works, the better you get at the basic skills the job requires, the better.
2) Get a four-year (Bachelor’s degree) in economics. The Bachelor’s degree is required for advancement in this field. You should study both microeconomics and macroeconomics and also branch out into the sciences and liberal arts when it applies to the field of economics for the best world view education.
3) Work in a job that requires math and/or economics skills. It would be good to put on your resume that you helped create a budget or economics plan, worked with high finance, or some other similar experience that would prepare for this career. So get as much experience on the local level as you can in an area that would help you better understand and practice the skills needed.
4) Study world history and economics and watch the trends. Economics is a "trendy" field anyway, in that it is always changing. It is the wise student who learns to watch the world markets to see what it will do in terms of economic change and growth (or decline). These trends generally follow some sort of a pattern and you may be able to get good at predicting what they will do with some practice.
5) Become an expert in the field of economics. People consider an international economist a type of scientist, an expert who can guide them to important decisions based on future predictions and statistical probabilities. You could be working with top executives in a big corporations, political or governmental organizations, or other institutions who need your expertise. One way you can continue your learning in this intricate and complicated field is to get an advanced degree. Once your Bachelor’s degree is completed and you gain some experience, come back and enroll in a graduate level or Ph.D. program. In this field, where you are considered a type of scientist of the world’s economy, the more education, the better.
If you are an analytical person who enjoy disseminating facts and data, who can apply this information on a global level, and you are good at math, this may be a perfect career for you. So work on your math and economic skills and enroll in a good program to begin your education. Fill out our online form to get started. Remember, it all starts with the first step. Good luck!